Rose and yellow lilies vase include high-quality Dutch Roses alongside yellow Lilies designed and decorated with green grasses and pine tree leaves to make it more delightful than ever.
By ordering your desired flower through TT Gift online florist, you can send it all over Tehran and Iran to your loved ones. The above crystal bottle, as its name suggests, consists of 3 branches of roses, which are of a very high quality Dutch rose. The height of this product is about 30 cm
Sending flower to Iran from TiTigift online florist, will make you exciting and more special than ever to your beloved ones. "Delivery time: Same day delivery available"
This beautiful box contains high quality white Dutch roses and can be sent to Tehran, Karaj and all over Iran. You will surprise your loved ones from far and near by ordering rose flowers from TiTi Gift online florist. The number of roses in this box is 12 white roses.
If the above flower box is finished in some cities, a beautiful flower box, equal in value and similar to the photo will be sent.
Buying eternal roses is a very attractive and memorable gift on various occasions, including Valentine's Day or wedding anniversary. The durability and beauty of this musical flower will make your loved ones remember your love and affection every time they see it for years.. "Delivery today in Tehran and Karaj (flower and gift orders before 19:00)"
"The possibility of delivery for cities from the next working day"